This sample is just a slight modification of this post ’Handling AJAX errors and displaying friendly error messages to users’. Basically I wanted to maintain the existing rails error handling for non-ajax pages and then have good handling for errors in both development and production mode; i.e. get errors in the browser when in development mode and show a nice message when in production mode.
Modify /app/controllers/application.rb; add the rescue_from macro and the handler_exception method
Then add a global javascript method for presenting the errors; most likely in application.js
Then a sample usage, jquery making an ajax post to a rails controller action
in development mode the error message is returned in an easier to read view in the firebug console and an alert message is presented that has a truncated version of the error
in production mode just a friendly error message.
- Handling AJAX errors and displaying friendly error messages to users
- Rails source code rescue.rb
- Rails views source on your install lib/action_controller/templates/rescues
- jquery ajax